Monday, May 13, 2019

Question 3

What is the difference between Physics and Applied Physics?

The latter is a subset of the former. Applied physics is still “physics”.
Loosely speaking, physics research can be divided into two categories, theoretical and experimental/applied. There are, however, many avenues of research that inhabit the liminal space straddling the two!
Theoretical physics concerns itself primarily with understanding the theoretical frameworks of physical theories, the fundamental postulates and mathematical formulations that underlie the successful models of the physical universe in attempts to gain insight into the nature of physical entities or to develop new ways of thinking about physical problems in order to illuminate nebulous concepts or to unify hitherto disparate ideas within a single framework.
Applied physics engenders a pragmatic approach, largely concerning itself with applying all of this knowledge, in combination with relevant knowledge from other fields, to potentially practicable scenarios for whatever reasons.
(Ref:  Alexander Matthew Peach, PhD, Durham University, UK)

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