Thursday, May 30, 2019

Computational physics

1. Computational physics is the study of scientific problems using computational methods; it combines computer science, physics and applied mathematics to develop scientific solutions to complex problems.

Computational physics complements the areas of theory and experimentation in traditional scientific investigation.  It has been successfully applied to areas such as molecular modeling, electronic circuit design, protein folding, atmospheric science, aerodynamic design and testing, and material science – to name just a few.

In a nutshell: Computational physics will allow you to tackle realistic problems in practically every field of science and engineering.

(Ref: APSU)

2. In a short definition, computational physics is physics that uses computations to solve problems that are hard or impossible to solve analytically and arrive to conclusions.
Computational physics has enormous applications all research going on in physics, such as the study and the development of materials at different scales by using more complex models to simulate and compare with experiments, nuclear reactions simulations, predicting the properties of materials, astrophysics systems simulations like black holes and solar systems and so much more.

(Ref: Achraf Atila, Research Associate at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)

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