Friday, November 29, 2019

Applied Sciences 2020

February 26-27, 2020

About Conference:

Larix International is delighted to welcome everyone to Physics 2019 which is scheduled during February 26-27, 2020 in Dubai, UAE, addresses key issues that are the spine of technology and innovations impacting our lifestyle. Physics 2020 conference aims to improve the cognizance by claiming the world through perception, experimentation, and hypothesis. Physics 2019 summit solves engineering and medicine problems through exploratory standards. Similarly, Mathematics proves the description of nature and universe done on the basis of the principle of physics. Applied Sciences 2020 Conference aims to apply the mathematical models to different fields such as science, engineering, business, computer science, and industry. There is an immense opportunity to learn and express views through interactive sessions, poster presentation, and abstract publishing. Eminent Professionals, Scholar and Post Graduate young researcher will share their views and enhance knowledge on broad spectrum s of Physics and Mathematics. It will publish the abstracts of the research conducted by the prominent scientist and scholar. 

Why attend Applied Sciences 2020

1. To meet renowned speakers, the world's leading CEO's, Directors, decision and policymakers
2. Best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from Physics and mathematics community.
3. To share the research ideas and implement them.
4. Chance to collaborate with research organizations with industries.
5. To keep abreast of all advances in Research & Development in Physics & mathematics.
6. New contacts to enhance the business opportunities.